Wednesday, April 7, 2010

First Official Blog Entry

Hi! My name is Valerie and I live in the great state of Texas. I'm married to my best friend Kenny. We have been married 3 1/2 years, but been together for 7 years total. I'm currently going to school to get my nursing degree. I work at a local hospital on the weekends and go to school during the week. Kenny is a Fire Fighter/Paramedic by day and a carpenter, mechanic, welder, cook lets just say he is a jack of all trades!We have a pretty great life!

We own our own home in a quaint little city right outside of San Antonio. No kiddos (yet) but we do have our two furbabies, who are the center of our world. The oldest Bella is 4 and she is our chocolate lab. Our other one is Chloe who is 2 and she is our black lab.

I am so lucky to have the life I have, but I've been cursed with what I call the "fat gene" My only sibling my brother Donald was blessed with the "skinny gene". He could eat pure fat for days and not gain a pound, me I look at fatty food and just feel my ass getting bigger!

I created this blog to have a place to document my, I'm sure many weight loss endeavours over this next year. My goal is to lose 75 pounds. I'm not setting date just yet for the final goal, but will have mini goals set along the way. I'm new to this whole "being responsible for yourself and losing the weight" so I felt this blog would make me a little bit more accountable. If people enjoy reading this and encourage me, all the better. If not, it's just something fun to do and will be able to track my progress as I go.

I guess that's all for now, I'll sign off here so I can go to bed. It's nearly 1am and I have a busy day tomorrow. Till the next entry, stay fabulous!
